Once upon a time, last weekend, a friend and I went to the Hershey Bears game up in Hershey. They were playing the Norfolk Admirals (AHL affiliate with Tampa Bay), which is fine. HOWEVER the troll in front of me was not fine. First of all he had a MASSIVE Red Wing tattoo on is left arm, okay...cool. On his head was a Tampa Bay Lightning hat, and his shirt was something Tampa Bay related. So I figured okay, maybe this is just a confused guy here to just watch the game... maybe wearing someone else's shirt ....nope, WRONG. Oh so wrong. This troll was the most obnoxious and illiterate human being I had ever met, and believe me I've met some winners. Every time a player even skated by another he was screaming "HIP CHECK", there were several fights during the course of the game, and especially after the Beagle-Asham "situation" everyone was pretty respectful to both teams during this fight...not the troll. I may have gotten a little sassy when Holtby was hit...maybe flew out of my seat, screaming, spilling soda everywhere...but still nothing compared to the lunatic in the front, all I thought was, Alzner would be very disappointed, and Carlson would call you a "mutant".
The Bears had just scored and they do a cheer that is something like, "B-E-A-R-S, Bears, Bears, Bears..." (I couldn't catch on so mine was more of a "AHHHHH") so my very good friend Ariane was cheering...loudly, as we all were, and this son of a bad word turns around and gave her the finger. Not the thumb, the finger. I was so appalled, I understand rivalries etc. I don't understand where a man thinks it right to flip off a woman at a sporting event, at the HOME ARENA, when the HOME TEAM SCORED, it was rude and it was trashy, and everyone he was with was mortified. That was a bad run on... So here's to you Detroit, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVES. You stay classy Detroit. Welcome to Washington :)
photo : ESPN |
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